The Danielson Framework for Teaching Clusters

Click on any of the six Clusters below. This portal starts with a reflection about your teaching practice, in relation to the Danielson Framework for Teaching, and recommends vetted learning resources personalized your strengths and areas of need.

Clarity & Accuracy
Click to Start
Learning Environment
Click to Start
Classroom Management
Click to Start
Intellectual Engagement
Click to Start
Successful Learning
Click to Start
Click to Start

All answers and results are confidential.

The Danielson Framework for Teaching Clusters (FFT Clusters) describes skills demonstrated by teachers and are grounded in an understanding of the nature of human learning. The FFT Clusters are an outgrowth of the Framework for Teaching, which has been validated through empirical studies as predictive of student learning as measured by state assessments. The FFT Clusters distill the "big ideas" of the Framework's 22 components into an efficient tool that can serve as the foundation for many purposes, most importantly professional growth by teachers, not only through their own reflection on practice, but also through their conversations with colleagues, mentors and coaches, and supervisors.

The development of these Clusters and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by The Danielson Group and its national contributors.

Click here to learn how this portal can be customized for your district or state.